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This essay should discuss ethical issues that an engineer in the field of computer science may face when building their systems in the workplace.

Consider contemporary issues in your chosen FYP PROJECT or real world cases. You can refer to the ethical codes of conduct (such as HKIE, WFEO, etc.) that guide the behaviour of professional engineers.


Think of the social context of computing, professional and ethical responsibilities, risks and liabilities of computer-based systems, intellectual property, privacy and civil liberties and environmental, economic or educational issues in computing.

Write an Analytical Essay in at least 600 words.​

...the information revolution is "fundamentally social and ethical" rather than merely technological

/ Terrell Ward Bynum

Terrel Ward Bynum is an American philosopher, writer and editor who is best known as a pioneer and historian in the field of computer and information ethics. He writes about the birth, growth and the probable death of Computer Ethics in his essay, “A Very Short History of Computer Ethics.”





Do you use any open-source code? Licensed, Copyrighted, Credited or Public Domain. Open Source Code: Should a company release code to be freely used and modified? ​Outsourcing: Why should a company use offshore outsourcing? What are ethical issues associated with Outsourcing. What are other problems that crop up with Outsourcing? ​Reverse Engineering: What is Reverse Engineering and how does it relate to software development? What are some benefits, legal and ethical issues. ​Steps of Reverse Engineering: 1. Examine what makes the device work. 2. Tear apart the inner workings of the digital device (what are algorithms and methods used). 3. Examine one’s observations of the technology and suggest or implement improvements.



The electronic gaming industry at its initial stages had more strategy games that require creativity and thinking. Eventually, they have moved towards heightened violence to be in line with the trend. Developers of these games should take into consideration the damage it causes to the community and build games in a way that is less harmful to the human psychology. Have you addressed this concern when creating your game? ​Machine usage can trigger the reward centres in the human brain. Just look at click bait headlines and video games. These headlines are output from algorithmic optimization to capture our attention. This and other methods are used to make numerous video and mobile games become addictive. Tech addiction is the new frontier of human dependency. What are concerns that developers have to consider when building a game?



Most end users want the kind of freedom that wireless technologies can give them. War-dialing (scanning for rogue dial-in modems) and war-driving (and act of discovering wireless networks have raised ethical concerns. While wireless network discovery is not illegal in itself, wardrive scanning will often be a precursor to the real crime, which would be a wireless attack on the wireless network. What is your opinion and what would you recommend as a programmer? “Hobbyists” are building their own antennas to find greater number of access points at a further range. Others enjoy hooking wireless cards to GPS and map out Aps. They can trend the adoption rate of the new technology or keep metrics on WEP encryption. How does the developer determine the legal limit under which these hobbyists operate. What happens if somebody inadvertently affects the network they just found?



During the planning and design of the database used in your FYP, have you considered the ethical use of its information? Ethically safeguarding of the information? The broad landscape of Electronic Information Ethics (EIE) has taken an even further and possibly more dangerous turn with three new technologies: open source database management systems; cloud computing and social software applications. These three in combination provide the perfect storm where the only defense against the unethical use of information is the ethical standards of the stakeholders themselves. How do you plan and design your database so you are within ethical standards? The planning and design of databases has to take into account not only the ethical use of information, but the ethical safeguarding of information, especially if it is in the public trust. There is not only a need for more ethical understanding of the planning and design of databases, but there is an urgent need for those with the technical skills to achieve this ethical response inside the code and structures of the databases themselves and the management systems which access them and provide access to the stakeholders. How do you plan your database while considering this argument?​ There are ethical implications in the way information in database is gathered and used. Database trends include: vast, invisible (by absorption into application), co-ordinate with other databases and application, commercialization of information and increasing security for database owners but not customers and citizens. How can database and database access structured ethically address some of these issues?



Your system may collect people’s behaviour through tracking their daily life, gestures and emotions. Have you considered safeguarding their privacy and security of the collected information lest they are leaked? Computer Vision rely heavily on data capture or tracking a person’s behavior over time in situations and environment. Issues include: - Data collection and management: what happens to the data once captured? How much of the dataset should end-users be privy to and how much control will they have over their data? What if the data falls into the wrong hands? - Informed Consent: Do you need their consent? What mechanisms should be included to factor in informed consent. - Privacy: The introduction of a system that track daily life, gestures and emotions may violate privacy. A threat to loss of privacy may also lead to a loss of dignity. How do users (data candidates) control and protect access to their environment. - Surveillance: Constant presence of computer vision based system may make the user feel like they are under surveillance. Do you think this is intrusive and infringes on their independence?



Is it wrong for you to mark up the equipment and software that you get for the customer when you pass the cost through? What about kickbacks from equipment manufacturers? Is it wrong to accept "commissions" from them for persuading your clients to go with their products? Or what if the connection is more subtle? Is it wrong to steer your clients toward the products of companies in which you hold stock? Another ethical issue involves promising more than you can deliver, or manipulating data to obtain higher fees. You can install technologies and configure settings to make a client's network more secure, but you can never make it completely secure. Is it wrong to talk a client into replacing their current firewalls with those of a different manufacturer, or switching to an open source operating system – where changes, coincidentally, will result in many more billable hours for you – on the premise that this is the answer to their security problems? ​What if a client asks you to save money by cutting out some of the security measures that you recommended, yet your analysis of the client's security needs shows that sensitive information will be at risk if you do so? You try to explain this to the client, but he/she is adamant. Should you go ahead and configure the network in a less secure manner? Should you "eat" the cost and install the extra security measures at no cost to the client? Should you refuse to do the job? Would it make a difference if the client's business were in a regulated industry, and implementing the lower security standards would be a violation.



Will A.I. eventually replace humans for most of the jobs? If so, what will be the impact to our economy and society? As roles are invented to automate jobs, room is being created for people to assume more complex roles, moving from the physical work that dominate the preindustrial globe to the cognitive labour that characterizes strategic and administrative work in our globalized society. What are issues and concerns on complex skill upgrading and how we spend our time? Inequality -- Our economic system is based on compensation for contribution to the economy, often assessed using hourly wage. But by using artificial intelligence, a company can drastically cut down on relying on the human workforce, and this means that the revenues would go to fewer people. Consequently, individuals who have ownership in AI driven companies will make all the money. If we are to truly imagine a post-work society, how do we structure a post-labour economy? An important criterion for dealing with organizations \ is being able to find the person responsible to get something done? When an AI fails at its assigned task, who takes the blame? The programmers? The end-users? A programmer uses a machine learning algorithm to recommend applications, for example student enrollment or mortgage applications, and a “bias” is detected and the algorithm is seen to “discriminate”. Finding an answer is not easy. If the machine learning algorithm is complicated neural network or genetic algorithm, it may be impossible to understand why. On the other hand, if it was Bayesian network, it is more transparent to programmer transparency. Transparency to inspection is one of many socially important properties.



Artificial bots are becoming better and better at modeling human conversation and relationships. Machines can trigger the reward centers in the human brain. Algorithmic optimization capture the right content for our attention. This and other methods are used to make videos and mobile games become addictive. Should we use technology to direct human attention and trigger certain actions? Is it ethical to use this to nudge society towards more beneficial behavior?



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